Hiring Angular Developer For EUSPACE Technologies Pvt Ltd

Hiring Angular Developer For EUSPACE Technologies Pvt Ltd


Company Profile:

EUSPACE  Technologies  Pvt Ltd



Approx. Package:

As Per Company Norms


Angular Developer



Important Note -

  • 1. Read the Instructions Carefully.
  • 2. If you are eligible for the criteria then only Apply.
  • 3. All interview processes will be done in an OFFLINE MODE./ ONLINE MODE

Job Description

Key responsibilities:

    • 1. Plan and carry out outwardly stylish UIs.
    • 2. Recognize issues with front-end code and amend them to eliminate bugs.
    • 3. Make unit tests to guarantee code is working true to form.
    • 4. Make elegantly composed documentation.
    • 5. Guarantee front-end code can query APIs.
    • 6. Review code to recognize bottlenecks of execution and fix them.

Skills required:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Express.js and Angular 2.0

Recruitment Process:

Will inform shortly

Eligibility Criteria:

  • BE/ BTech
  • Passing Year- 2021, 2022 & 2023
Job Nature
Full Time
Job Location
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10th Passing Year
Degree of Graduation
Graduation Specialization/Branch
Is there any Education Gap
Post-Graduation Degree
Post-Graduation Specialization/Branch
Please select in which category of experience you fit:
Technical/Domain Skills you know (You can Select Multiple Skills).
Do you have Course completion CERTIFICATE?
Have you completed Course from any training institution:
If you are shortlisted, then will you be available for offline interview at Pune?
Are You Willing to Relocate to Pune?
I have read all the Job profile/Criteria/Terms & Conditions and ready to apply.
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